Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dissolve Bobotoh Persib

Bobotoh is the name for supporters of the football club Persib Bandung. The name comes from Sundanese language which means people who encourage or build excitement for others.
Although Persib have extension Bandung Indonesian Football Association, supporters is not just  from Bandung. Bobotoh scattered throughout West Java, ranging from Banjar, Kudat, Tasikmalaya, Cirebon, Kuningan, Karawang, Bekasi also outside the province of West Java, such as Jakarta, Tangerang, and Serang. In fact, of the short message (SMS) that goes into the rubric What Bobotoh word in this newspaper, many SMS sender who come from Central Java and other provinces in Indonesia. Persib each host, even just for a test match, the stadium is always booming. Not only the numbers very much, bobotoh also have incredible fanaticism. If managed properly, bobotoh will become not only a fantastic strength of support in the field, but also could be a pillar for survival after Persib-era budget
Although bobotoh Persib will give encouragement to the Persib players, they also cause a lot of harm to people. There are many bad events if bobotoh going to watch Persib. For example,  

"There are 16 vehicles damaged plate B , the amount it has included reports from each police station ," said Police Commissioner Sutarno Kapolrestabes Bandung accompanied by Head of Ops Polrestabes Bandung AKBP Mapolrestabes Diki Budiman in Jakarta, Sunday ( 06/23/2013 ) . According to him , the location of the vehicle vandalism occurred in some streets in the city center such as Jalan Pasteur Bandung , Jalan Ir H Juanda ( Dago ) , Jalan RE Martadinata , Cisangkuy Road , Jalan Citarum , Cihampelas Street , and other streets . " They ( Bobotoh ) convoy originally from Pasteur Street , when the vehicle plate B meet , they immediately stopped , the vehicle was later destroyed . Revoked license plates and discarded . Their average damaging vehicles with stones and beams , " he explained .Until this afternoon police found no evidence of another vehicle by the mass destruction of Persib fans . " Thank God , no longer found , final reports , last night , " he concluded . (  
From these events can be ascertained that bobotoh making substantial losses. Most people are afraid to bobotoh because they often cause an event like this. The police were already trying the best but still bobotoh do. Bobotoh not only detrimental people but persib players can be harmed to. For example, 
"Maung Bandung nicknamed the club get a fine from the Disciplinary Commission (Komdis) PSSI Rp 20 million.The reason is the bad behavior of supporters. Bobotoh ignite the fireworks that resulted in disruption of the game against FC June 15, 2013." 
If bobotoh continue like this, the government should dissolve bobotoh. Moreover persib players will get the spirit of a lot of people without doing harm as bobotoh do. Merchants usually sell for bobotoh can also sell in other places, there are still many places to work for them. This will benefit many people. 

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